The 'C' in the ABCs



Engaging in meaningful activities with supportive adults and peers where you are seen, heard, and valued.


Creating Authentic Connections

How might we develop our capacities of empathy, listening and self-compassion to fuel  connectedness and nurture a culture of joy in our school communities?  This page offers a few resources you might find of value.

5 Simple Ways to Begin the Creation of an Authentic Connection

An authentic connection is a genuine and real connection with someone else in the present moment.

Capacities to
Support Connectedness

Deep Listening

This 8-minute video from Otto Scharmer, co-founder of MIT’s Sloan School of Management Presencing Institute describes four levels of listening and why listening is essential to connectedness.


This 3 minute video Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own vulnerability.



Loneliness is extraordinarily common. It is a universal part of the human experience – a natural signal like hunger or thirst that our body sends us when we lack something that we need for our survival, which is social connection. We can listen to Vivek Murthy, 21st Surgeon General of the United States this video to gain insights on how we might intentionally connect to heal.

Connectedness and Health the Science of Social Connection


Emma Seppälä’s areas of expertise are health psychology, well-being, and resilience. She conducts research, writes and speaks about the science of happiness, social connection, and compassion.

It’s an inside job. Why our internal sense of connection is where we each need to begin.


Take the Surgeon General’s 5‑for‑5 Connection Challenge


Between December 4th–15th, 2023, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy is challenging YOU to take the “5-for-5 Connection Challenge” as a way to build and strengthen your own relationships and inspire others to incorporate connection in their daily lives!

The Power & Science of Social Connection


Vibrant human connection is central to our health as individuals, our efficacy as organizations, and our collective wellbeing as a society. Across disciplines, studies show that we are wired with an instinctive drive to mirror and coordinate, build relationships, and help and support one another. This report includes a set of accessible and adaptable ideas on the “how”and “why” of human connection.

Get In Touch

2800 North Charles Street, Suite 420
Baltimore, MD 21218

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